Reese's Kennel

Basic Kennel
10 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
1 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Order By:


NSh FPBB ApolloCavalier King Charles Spaniel112
APnHT MfnK ArtyLabrador Retriever1360
PnP CookieGerman Shepherd Dog1031
JPnO CooperBorder Collie721
PnHT GrootGolden Retriever1134
PnH HarryBorder Collie1366
APnFr HollyBorder Collie1264
PnA LokiBeagle1360
NFr LunaAustralian Shepherd415
APnSh NebulaCavalier King Charles Spaniel1373

Game Time

11:45am on Feb 4

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