SFM Breeding Project

Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
16 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Water Work 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
47 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
11 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedBagelGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedBrownieGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedCheesecakeGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedChocolate CakeGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedCoffeeGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedEggsGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedHashbrownGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedIce CreamGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedKey Lime PieGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedLemon MeringueGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedPuddingGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedSugar CookieGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
LockedToastGerman Shorthaired Pointer129
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnFT F1 Lla intspd chachaGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedAPnFT F10 Lla chaint chastrGerman Shorthaired Pointer1329
LockedIPnFT F12 lla chastm chachaGerman Shorthaired Pointer1129
LockedPnFT F13 Lla chastr chaspdGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedAPnFT F14 Lla intstm chachaGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedAPnFT F2 lala chacha chaintGerman Shorthaired Pointer1329
LockedPnFT F3 lala chacha intstmGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedAPnFT F4 lla chacha agistrGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedIPnFT F6 lla agicha chaintGerman Shorthaired Pointer1129
LockedIPnFT F7 lla chacha agiagiGerman Shorthaired Pointer1129
LockedPnFT F8 Lla chaint chachaGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedIPnFT F9 Lla chacha chaintGerman Shorthaired Pointer1129
LockedPnFT M1 lala agispd chachaGerman Shorthaired Pointer1129
LockedPnFT M2 lala chaspd chaspdGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
LockedIPnFT M4 lla chacha intstrGerman Shorthaired Pointer1129
LockedPnFT M5 Lla chastm chachaGerman Shorthaired Pointer1229
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnFT BananaGerman Shorthaired Pointer515
LockedNFT BlackberryGerman Shorthaired Pointer115
LockedANFT BlueberryGerman Shorthaired Pointer115
LockedJPnFT BroccoliGerman Shorthaired Pointer115
LockedJPnFT CarrotGerman Shorthaired Pointer115
LockedANFT CornGerman Shorthaired Pointer114
LockedJPnFT KiwiGerman Shorthaired Pointer517
LockedJPnFT LettuceGerman Shorthaired Pointer617
LockedJPnFT LimeGerman Shorthaired Pointer516
LockedJPnFT MangoGerman Shorthaired Pointer516
LockedJPnFT MushroomGerman Shorthaired Pointer517
LockedJPnFT OrangeGerman Shorthaired Pointer517
LockedNFT PapayaGerman Shorthaired Pointer114
LockedANFT PepperGerman Shorthaired Pointer114
LockedJPnFT PineappleGerman Shorthaired Pointer416
LockedJPnFT PotatoGerman Shorthaired Pointer617
LockedJPnFT RaspberryGerman Shorthaired Pointer517
LockedJPnFT StrawberryGerman Shorthaired Pointer416
LockedJPnFT ZucchiniGerman Shorthaired Pointer416
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNFT CarnationGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT CedarGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT DaisyGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT GardeniaGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT HyacinthGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT HydrangeaGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT JuniperGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT LillyGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT MapleGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT MarigoldGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT MumGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT OrchidGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT PansyGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT PetuniaGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT PineGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT RedwoodGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT RoseGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT SpruceGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
LockedNFT TulipGerman Shorthaired Pointer156
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAT SFM A Shot in the DarkOtterhound2228
LockedASh 17th Affe in der MitteOtterhound1830
LockedASh SFM Against the CurrentOtterhound2328
LockedJAT SFM Antique BusOtterhound1828
LockedJAT SFM Big Thunder MountainOtterhound1722
LockedAW SFM Bug EyesOtterhound1219
LockedJASh SFM Crying in TimeoutOtterhound1521
LockedAP IPnT SFM Dandelion SkyOtterhound2128
LockedWCRO SFM Decision TimeOtterhound80101
LockedJAT SFM Discount RunOtterhound1722
LockedWCT Lupum DragonballOtterhound83100
LockedAT Ds2CR Dream GirlOtterhound2231
LockedAFT SFM Enchanted LuckOtterhound2028
LockedWCM SFM Eyes on DessertOtterhound78101
LockedFemale 2 6HH 2hh KEEPOtterhound111
LockedFemale 3 7HH 3hh KEEPOtterhound111
LockedFemale 9 4HH 4hh KEEPOtterhound111
LockedAPnT SFM Get SmartOtterhound1521
LockedNW SFM Going for the MillionOtterhound19
LockedJAT SFM Haunted MansionOtterhound1722
LockedJAT SFM Hot FlashOtterhound1822
LockedASh 17th Januar RegenOtterhound1830
LockedAPnT SFM Just DessertsOtterhound1419
LockedJAT SFM Knowledge of the WildOtterhound1622
LockedLL 5HH 1hh stmstr stmstrOtterhound112
LockedLL 6HH 2hh agistr strstrOtterhound112
Lockedlla 5HH 3hh strstr stmstrOtterhound112
LockedLla 6HH 4hh agicha strstrOtterhound112
LockedMale 1 6HH 3hhOtterhound111
LockedMale 2 6HH 1hhOtterhound111
LockedMale 4 7HH 3hhOtterhound111
LockedMale 5 5HH 2hhOtterhound111
LockedMale 6 6HH 4hhOtterhound111
LockedMale 7 6HH 4hhOtterhound111
LockedMale 8 6HH 4hhOtterhound111
LockedWCT HYRR Mittens SeasonOtterhound80100
LockedJAT SFM Moon Over the ForestOtterhound1722
LockedWCSh SFM Race Against TimeOtterhound78102
LockedUCSh NSh MM HYRR Red Hot Forest Fire* BoBx6Otterhound82108
LockedJAT WHSPR Ringing EarsOtterhound1925
LockedWCT *AN* Running WildOtterhound83100
LockedNT SFM Seeing is BelievingOtterhound19
LockedAPnT SFM These Violent DelightsOtterhound1521
LockedAW SFM Things to RememberOtterhound1421
LockedMW SFM Time to be CalmOtterhound2228
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFemale 1Maltese112
LockedFemale 2Maltese112
LockedFemale 3Maltese112
LockedFemale 4Maltese112
Lockedlala 24HH x4AGI N/APortuguese Water Dog16
Lockedlala 24HH x4AGI N/APortuguese Water Dog16
Lockedlala 24HH x4AGI N/APortuguese Water Dog16
LockedAW SFMx Ll • 76.0 • 10,3 • spdagi agiagiPortuguese Water Dog1626
LockedMale 1Maltese112
LockedMale 2Maltese112
LockedMale 3Maltese112

Game Time

01:56pm on Jan 23

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