Hermosa Kennels

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
37 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Medium Critter Pasture
5 Critters
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudExS HK- AchelousAlaskan Malamute3096
LockedMH HK- AglaopeAkbash Dog3096
LockedAHT HK- ArmaniAinu Dog2447
LockedJAHu HK- BantjesPapillon1634
LockedARO HK- BeirutPapillon1734
LockedAFr HK- ChanelAinu Dog2347
LockedJAHu HK- ChooChow-chow1634
LockedAS HK- DiorAlaskan Husky1940
LockedJAFl HK- GallianoAlaskan Malamute1634
LockedARO HK- GaultierPapillon2040
LockedJAP HK- GivenchyAlaskan Malamute1532
LockedPnO GlaserMaremma Sheepdog1229
LockedJAM HK- HerreraChow-chow1534
LockedAPnP HK- HilfigerAlaskan Malamute1432
LockedAPnO HischMaremma Sheepdog1329
LockedAHT HK- KaranAinu Dog2447
LockedAPnH KiddMaremma Sheepdog1429
LockedJAM HK- KorsChow-chow1734
LockedAHT HK- LagerfeldAinu Dog2447
LockedAP HK- LouboutinAlaskan Malamute1834
LockedAM HK- McQueenAinu Dog2347
LockedFor StudMP HK- MelpomeneAkbash Dog3196
LockedMFl HK- PeisinoeAlaskan Malamute3196
LockedAP HK- PradaAlaskan Husky2040
LockedJAFr Puppy 1Akbash Dog1121
LockedAPnO RandMaremma Sheepdog1329
LockedAS HK- SagmeisterAlaskan Husky1634
LockedPnH ScherMaremma Sheepdog1429
LockedJAA HK- SchiaparelliChow-chow1634
LockedAS HK- SirianoAlaskan Malamute1534
LockedJAP SuiMaremma Sheepdog1429
LockedFor StudMO HK- TerpsichoreAkbash Dog3196
LockedMFl HK- ThelxiepeiaAlaskan Malamute3196
LockedAPnP TisciMaremma Sheepdog1329
LockedMHT HK- VersaceAinu Dog2547
LockedJAFl HK- WalshAlaskan Husky1734
LockedAHu HK- WestwoodPapillon1940
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$66,859,983 Money Earned
Salary $52,000
Kennel Size 8
A Regal Akbash Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
NCH NCSc MPK Pale Moonlight
Female Akbash Dog Born 11 25, 2004
Reached Level 32, Placing in 823 Competitions
A Regal Alaskan Malamute Statue
The plaque reads:
CCSc CCP MPK Ultimate Fox
Male Alaskan Malamute Born 12 05, 2004
Reached Level 27, Placing in 925 Competitions
A Regal Maremma Sheepdog Statue
The plaque reads:
ExSc ExS MPK Out of Sight
Female Maremma Sheepdog Born 08 04, 2006
Reached Level 26, Placing in 594 Competitions
A Regal Maremma Sheepdog Statue
The plaque reads:
ExT ExS MPK Cool the Light
Male Maremma Sheepdog Born 08 04, 2006
Reached Level 26, Placing in 592 Competitions
A Regal Akbash Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
JExH JExSc MPK MPK's Second Chance
Male Akbash Dog Born 11 20, 2004
Reached Level 25, Placing in 475 Competitions
A Regal Maremma Sheepdog Statue
The plaque reads:
MSc MT MPK Cool and Concealed
Male Maremma Sheepdog Born 10 28, 2006
Reached Level 19, Placing in 432 Competitions
A Regal Alaskan Malamute Statue
The plaque reads:
NCSc NCP MPK Ultimate Krystal
Female Alaskan Malamute Born 12 05, 2004
Reached Level 25, Placing in 844 Competitions
Earned 1 Trick Point
A Regal Maremma Sheepdog Statue
The plaque reads:
IMSc IMP MPK See the Light
Male Maremma Sheepdog Born 10 28, 2006
Reached Level 17, Placing in 364 Competitions


  • Bug of DOOM <font color=green>Bug of DOOM</font>
    bath Complete
  • Evil Rooster <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
  • Little Brown Pony Little Brown Pony
  • Proud Pony Proud Pony
  • Shy Silver Pony Shy Silver Pony

Game Time

07:49am on Mar 12

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