MamaBear's Barkin' Kennel

Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
31 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$76,351,958 Money Earned
Salary $60,500
Kennel Size 22
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
Male Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 08 01, 2007
Reached Level 30, Placing in 927 Competitions
Earned 23 Trick Points
Awarded Best of Breed - Trickster x6
A Regal English Foxhound Statue
The plaque reads:
SCS SCR MaBB BlueWater 19 0 EEEE 542191
Male English Foxhound Born 02 21, 2008
Reached Level 60, Placing in 3,115 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x27
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x14
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
UCS UCSc MaBB AlderThor (retired) 542191
Male Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 12 02, 2007
Reached Level 51, Placing in 1,743 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x32
A Regal English Foxhound Statue
The plaque reads:
UCR UCS S*N JewelStaff 20 0 EEEE 542191
Female English Foxhound Born 02 14, 2008
Reached Level 48, Placing in 1,671 Competitions
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
UCS UCR MaBB Keedah the Second 14 1 EEGE 542191
Female Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 09 06, 2007
Reached Level 46, Placing in 1,930 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x2
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
UCS UCR MaBB FireRiver 20 0 EEEE 542191
Male Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 09 12, 2010
Reached Level 44, Placing in 1,727 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x37
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x41
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR MaBB Bubby EGEF 542191
Male Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 08 08, 2007
Reached Level 34, Placing in 1,069 Competitions
Earned 3 Trick Points
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
WCR WCS MaBB Dutchess GGEG 542191
Female Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 08 08, 2007
Reached Level 37, Placing in 1,164 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x3
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
ICS ICR MaBB CrystalRiver 15 0 EEEE 542191
Female Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 07 05, 2008
Reached Level 45, Placing in 2,214 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x60
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x28
A Regal English Foxhound Statue
The plaque reads:
ICS ICP S*N Pinerock 16 0 EEEE 542191
Male English Foxhound Born 10 22, 2007
Reached Level 45, Placing in 2,157 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x5
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x5
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAA Angel 4 17 3 EGEG s Agi agix2*intx2*spdx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback2544
LockedAHu Casey 3 17 4 EGGG s Sc Hurd *chax2*intx2*spdx2 542191English Foxhound2544
LockedMT MaBe HawkShield 12 10 2 GEGE (m) Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback2848
LockedNCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDBlueJewel 18 6 0 EEEE (m) - Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191English Foxhound4882
LockedNCFr MaBe KEEP LOCKEDBlueMist 19 5 0 EEEE (m) Frisbee agix2chax2stmx2 5421991English Foxhound4682
LockedNCR MaBe KEEP LOCKEDBuddingTree 17 6 1 EEEG m Race chax2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4682
LockedGCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDCrystalThor 7 16 1 EEEG (m) Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4782
LockedNCR MaBe KEEP LOCKEDDropRock 15 7 2 EEGE m Race chax2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4681
LockedNCR MaBe KEEP LOCKEDFireBear 20 3 1 EEEG s Race chax2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4682
LockedGCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDFlowerRoad 18 5 1 EEEG (m) Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191English Foxhound4681
LockedGCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDLilliLost 17 6 1 EEGE s Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4582
LockedGCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDMistDell 20 4 0 EEEE m Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191English Foxhound4882
LockedNCFr MaBe KEEP LOCKEDPineGold 17 5 2 EGGE (m) Frisbee agix2chax2stmx2 542191English Foxhound4581
LockedGCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDQuietBark 18 6 0 EEEE (m) Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4782
LockedGCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDRainRock 17 6 1 EEGE m Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191English Foxhound4782
LockedNCT MaBe KEEP LOCKEDRiverRose 20 4 0 EEEE (m) Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback4882
LockedASc LeCreme 5 16 3 GGEE m Schutz *intx2*stmx2strx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback2544
LockedAA MaBe Banshee 2 18 4 GGGE m Agi agix2intx2spdx2 542191Australian Shepherd2544
LockedAO MaBe Brandy 2 18 4 GEGG l Obed agix2intx2strx2 542191Australian Shepherd2444
LockedAH MaBe Chance 4 17 3 GGEE (l) Herd agix2intx2stmx2 542191Australian Shepherd2644
LockedAT MaBe Dakota 4 17 3 GGEE (s) Track intx2spdx2stmx2 542191Australian Shepherd2544
LockedAH MaBe Diamond 5 16 3 GEGG s Herd agix2intx2stmx2 542191Australian Shepherd2544
LockedAA MaBe Duke 4 16 4 GEGG (s) Agi agix2intx2spdx2 542191Australian Shepherd2544
LockedMFl MaBe Hunter 3 20 1 EEEG (m) Flyball agix2spdx2stmx2 542191Australian Shepherd2644
LockedAT Penny 8 14 2 GEEE m Track *intx2*spdx2*stmx2 542191English Foxhound2544
LockedMHu Princess 4 19 1 EEGE s Scent Hurd *chax2*intx2*spdx2 542191English Foxhound2544
LockedASc Rain 6 17 1 EEGE s Schultz *intx2*stmx2strx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback2444
LockedMHu Rocco 4 16 4 GGEG (m) Scent Hurd *chax2*intx2*spdx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback2544
LockedAM Rusty 6 16 2 GEEG (s) Music Free agix2*chax2*intx2 542191English Foxhound2544
LockedMR Sasha 4 20 EEEE l Race *chax2*spdx2*stmx2 542191Rhodesian Ridgeback2544
LockedAT Sasha 8 12 4 EGEG l Track *intx2*spdx2*stmx2 542191Australian Shepherd2544

Game Time

12:15pm on Mar 14

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