Little Kennel

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
58 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
52 Locked Dogs
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Rally-O 1 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Frisbee 1 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Earthdog Trials 1 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Obedience 1 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Medium Critter Pasture
5 Critters
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNHT NFr LiKe Little AkoAkita16
LockedIPnSc LiKe Little BellaBelgian Tervuren813
LockedAA LiKe Little BenjiSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier2031
LockedPnHu JPnSh LiKe Little BentlyShih Tzu915
LockedJAH Little BiscuitAustralian Shepherd1544
LockedNRO NSh LiKe Little ChanaChihuahua16
LockedNRO NSh LiKe Little ChantaChihuahua16
LockedAPnSh IPnRO LiKe Little Chh ChimaChihuahua1217
LockedAPnRO PnSh LiKe Little Chh ChinkoChihuahua1217
LockedAPnSh BRSK Little ChincaChinese Crested1223
LockedJPnA LILTH Little DaisyDandie Dinmont Terrier725
LockedNA NH HaaKe Little FinlaFinnish Lapphund17
LockedNT NSc LiKe Little GennieGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNSc NT LiKe Little GeorgeGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNFl NT LiKe Little GerflyGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedJPnFl NFr LiKe Little Gold GieselGolden Retriever612
LockedAFr LiKe Little Gold GizmoGolden Retriever1622
LockedAFr PnFT LiKe Little Gold KylieGolden Retriever1522
LockedNFT ND Ihi's Little Gold ReyGolden Retriever17
LockedPnSh APnO LiKe Little GSD GeishaGerman Shepherd Dog1318
LockedGCSc LiKe Little GSD GeraldGerman Shepherd Dog3870
LockedAPnH LiKe Little GSD GlennGerman Shepherd Dog1218
LockedMSc LiKe Little GSD RosebudGerman Shepherd Dog2849
LockedCCRO ~*N*~ Little Hava HannaHavanese4170
LockedAPnRO LiKe Little JS JellyJapanese Spitz1217
LockedASh JARO LiKe Little JS JennyJapanese Spitz1727
LockedJASh LiKe Little JS JoddyJapanese Spitz1217
LockedASh JARO LiKe Little JS JuddyJapanese Spitz1827
LockedNHT NM LiKe Little KanaAkita16
LockedMFr LiKe Little Lab LaccieLabrador Retriever2534
LockedMFr LiKe Little Lab LaffyLabrador Retriever2434
LockedPnFr LiKe Little Lab LobbitLabrador Retriever1217
LockedAPnFr LiKe Little Lab LobbyLabrador Retriever1117
LockedWCFr LiKe Little Lab PebblesLabrador Retriever4884
LockedAPnM 413 Little LolaDalmatian1216
LockedMA LiKe Little Malt MartinMaltese2638
LockedMA LiKe Little Malt MollyMaltese2638
LockedMH AO LiKe Little PolarAidi2444
LockedExT STGK Little Pom EbonyPomeranian3660
LockedAFl MRO LiKe Little Pom PauliePomeranian3051
LockedWCRO BBCK Little Pom PawsPomeranian4886
LockedMSh ARO LiKe Little Pom PollyPomeranian3151
LockedMSh ARO LiKe Little Pom PovingPomeranian3051
LockedChFl MT ARCHs Little PWC PappyPembroke Welsh Corgi3964
LockedJAH JPnA LiKe Little RC ChloeRough Collie1521
LockedNH NFl LiKe Little RC RainRough Collie110
LockedNT NFl LiKe Little RC RainyRough Collie110
LockedAT LiKe Little RC RustyRough Collie1621
LockedME LiKe Little SashaSilky Terrier1430
LockedAO DVCK Little ScottyScottish Terrier1636
LockedPnO APnA HaaKe Little Sky StacySkye Terrier1317
LockedAE DVCK Little SophieScottish Terrier1331
LockedAA DVCK Little WhislyWire Fox Terrier1636
LockedAE DVCK Little WishelyWire Fox Terrier1439
LockedJAFl AO CzC Little YT YollandYorkshire Terrier2029
LockedWCE NCA LiKe Little YT YorkieYorkshire Terrier5494
LockedPnM AA CzC Little YT YorkineYorkshire Terrier2129
LockedGCA LiKe Little YT YoshilleYorkshire Terrier4366
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAT AFl LiKe Little BC BobbyBorder Collie2029
LockedNH LiKe Little BC BonaBorder Collie17
LockedAFl JAT LiKe Little BC BonieBorder Collie2029
LockedAPnA APnH LiKe Little BC BrunoBorder Collie1318
LockedAPnH PnFl LiKe Little BC CocoBorder Collie1318
LockedNT NH LiKe Little BC CollieBorder Collie17
LockedPnFl JPnT LiKe Little BC CollynBorder Collie1216
LockedPnA LiKe Little LA AlphenLhasa Apso1016
LockedMM HaaKe Little LA AmyLhasa Apso2843
LockedCCM ChA LiKe Little LA AprineLhasa Apso4486
LockedPnA LiKe Little LA ApsieLhasa Apso1016
LockedGCA CCM HaaKe Little LA AriesLhasa Apso5198
LockedWCM GCA HaaKe Little LA ArthemisLhasa Apso4898
LockedCCA GCM LiKe Little LA BloomineLhasa Apso4786
LockedGCA SW's Little LA ElíanaLhasa Apso3987
LockedExM MA HaaKe Little LA JinnyLhasa Apso3152
LockedGCA ChM HaaKe Little LA LarryLhasa Apso4582
LockedMA AM HaaKe Little LA LassieLhasa Apso2948
LockedExM MA HaaKe Little LA LawryLhasa Apso3660
LockedMA AM HaaKe Little LA LhappyLhasa Apso2844
LockedNCM NCA HaaKe Little LA LilyLhasa Apso4598
LockedNCM ExA HaaKe Little LA LinaryLhasa Apso4480
LockedExM MA HaaKe Little LA LindaLhasa Apso3153
LockedExA MM LiKe Little LA LiniLhasa Apso3555
LockedExM MA HaaKe Little LA LiranceLhasa Apso3255
LockedChA HaaKe Little LA LollyLhasa Apso3658
LockedMM MA HaaKe Little LA LorithaLhasa Apso3051
LockedExM MA LiKe Little LA LucyLhasa Apso3764
LockedCCM NCA HaaKe Little LA LunaLhasa Apso5098
LockedGCM HaaKe Little LA LunarLhasa Apso4163
LockedMM MA HaaKe Little LA PollyLhasa Apso3152
LockedExM MA LiKe Little LA ThroneLhasa Apso3454
LockedNA NM LiKe Little RoselinLhasa Apso17
LockedExFl AH LiKe Little SS SallyShetland Sheepdog3350
LockedExH AA LiKe Little SS SandersShetland Sheepdog3350
LockedExH AT LiKe Little SS SarahShetland Sheepdog3350
LockedMA AT LiKe Little SS SarkyShetland Sheepdog3246
LockedMA AH LiKe Little SS SarpyShetland Sheepdog3146
LockedExFl MH LiKe Little SS ShadineShetland Sheepdog3450
LockedExH MT LiKe Little SS ShammyShetland Sheepdog3251
LockedMH AFl LiKe Little SS ShappyShetland Sheepdog2538
LockedNCH NCA LiKe Little SS ShatternShetland Sheepdog4989
LockedExH AT LiKe Little SS ShaversShetland Sheepdog3151
LockedExH LiKe Little SS ShayfineShetland Sheepdog3453
LockedChA LiKe Little SS ShayrinShetland Sheepdog3753
LockedAA JAH LiKe Little SS SheepyShetland Sheepdog2538
LockedNCH NCA LiKe Little SS ShelineShetland Sheepdog5087
LockedAT AH LiKe Little SS SheltyShetland Sheepdog2338
LockedNH NT S.P. Little SS ShettyShetland Sheepdog17
LockedMFl JAH LiKe Little SS ShippyShetland Sheepdog2538
LockedExH AT LiKe Little SS ShirleyShetland Sheepdog3251
LockedMH MT LiKe Little SS ShiversShetland Sheepdog3151
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
$1,750,661 Money Earned
Salary $68,600
Kennel Size 5
A Regal Poodle Statue
The plaque reads:
PnO Little Black
Male Poodle Born 03 17, 2009
Reached Level 4, Placing in 112 Competitions
Earned 353 Trick Points
A Regal Poodle Statue
The plaque reads:
IASh THBK Little Blackforest Fairy
Female Poodle Born 12 14, 2008
Reached Level 11, Placing in 235 Competitions
Earned 1,059 Trick Points
Awarded Best of Breed - Trickster x16
A Regal Poodle Statue
The plaque reads:
JPnP little blackforest DJ
Male Poodle Born 03 29, 2009
Reached Level 2, Placing in 33 Competitions
A Regal Poodle Statue
The plaque reads:
ASh AP |BP| Little Brown Chocolate
Female Poodle Born 01 31, 2009
Reached Level 14, Placing in 263 Competitions
A Regal Labrador Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
IMT $CM$ LIttle Black Dustpelt
Male Labrador Retriever Born 10 09, 2008
Reached Level 19, Placing in 387 Competitions
A Regal Siberian Husky Statue
The plaque reads:
IPnS EKB Little Grate Rommel
Male Siberian Husky Born 12 12, 2008
Reached Level 6, Placing in 84 Competitions
A Regal Border Collie Statue
The plaque reads:
JPnH JPnA SPBT Mouse Gray and White w/ Tan Points
Male Border Collie Born 09 27, 2008
Reached Level 3, Placing in 30 Competitions
A Regal Maltese Statue
The plaque reads:
Little White Princess
Male Maltese Born 12 02, 2008
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal Toy Poodle Statue
The plaque reads:
NA Little White Angel
Female Toy Poodle Born 11 14, 2008
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal German Shorthaired Pointer Statue
The plaque reads:
IAT POP Little White Chocolate
Female German Shorthaired Pointer Born 10 26, 2008
Reached Level 13, Placing in 235 Competitions


  • Proud Pony Proud Pony
  • Yellow Fluffy Duckling Yellow Fluffy Duckling
    love Complete
  • Blue Baby Dragon Blue Baby Dragon
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • Mean Brown Tabby Cat Mean Brown Tabby Cat

Game Time

05:17pm on Mar 31

Welcome Guest

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