
Puppies & Retirees
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Black Plotts
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Chocolate Plotts
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
48 Locked Dogs
Siberian Husky
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Shiba Inu
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
7 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Saarloos Wolfhound
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
5 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Irish Wolfhound
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
22 Locked Dogs
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNA Black Irish lala intint chaagi 5/4 EgggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Black Irish lla agispd agistm 2/7 EfggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Black Irish lla intint chacha 11/7 ggggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Black Irish Ticking lala chaint stmstr 6/4 EEgfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Black lala agistr spdcha 7/4 fgEEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Black Pie Lla strint intagi 3/3 gEEgXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Blue ExPie lla spdspd stmstm 6/4 EgggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Blue Irish lala agistm stmagi 5/4 gggEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Blue Irish lla intstr chastm 4/10 fggfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Blue Lla intstr intcha 7/5 ggggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Blue Lla intstr spdcha 6/5 ggggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Blue Lla strcha intspd 7/2 ggEEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Blue Pie Lla chastr strstm 3/6 ggggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Choco ExPie lla agistr stmstm 6/5 ggEgXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Choco ExPie lla strstr spdagi 9/9 gggfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Choco lla strspd stmstm 5/8 fgggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedAA T@PS f1 Red Pie lala gEEEXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedAM T@PS f11 Black Irish lla ggfgXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedAA T@PS f13 Black lla EEEfXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedAA T@PS f14 Black Irish Ticking lla gEggXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedAA T@PS f15 Red Lla EggEXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedAM T@PS f16 Black Irish lla EffEXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedAM T@PS f17 Black Irish Lla ggEEXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedAM T@PS f20 Black Pie lala EEEEXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedAM T@PS f3 Black Pie Ticking Lla EgggXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedAA T@PS f4 Red Lla gEEEXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedNA Isabella ExPie Ticking lla strstr stmstm 4/7 EgfgXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Isabella Irish Ticking Lla agistr stmagi 6/10 gfffXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Isabella lla strcha intagi 10/4 gEggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedAA T@PS m1 Red Lla ggEgXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedAM T@PS m2 Black Irish Ticking lla EgggXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedAA T@PS m3 Red Lla ggggXoloitzcuintle2040
LockedAM T@PS m4 Black Irish Lla ggggXoloitzcuintle2140
LockedAM T@PS m5 Black Irish lla ggggXoloitzcuintle2040
LockedAA T@PS m7 Red Irish lala gggfXoloitzcuintle2240
LockedNM Red ExPie lla chastr strstm 3/2 ggEEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Red ExPie Lla spdspd stmstm 4/10 gggfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red ExPie Lla spdstr stmstm 6/8 gfEfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Irish lala chaint spdint 7/4 gggEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Red lla agistr chaspd 3/3 ggEEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Lla spdspd chacha 8/8 fgggXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Red lla strspd agiagi 4/6 gEgfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNA Red Pie Lla chaspd stmagi 7/5 gfEgXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Pie lla chastr stmstm 6/7 gfEfXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Pie Lla intint strstm 8/3 ggEEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Pie Lla intsrm intstm 10/3 ggEgXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Pie Lla stmcha chastm 7/5 ggEgXoloitzcuintle16
LockedNM Red Pie Lla stmstm chastm 3/5 fEEgXoloitzcuintle16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChFr @};- Black MoonShiba Inu3259
LockedNCHT @};- Black TieShiba Inu3872
LockedChHT @};- CalypsoShiba Inu3259
LockedChM @};- KobiashimaruShiba Inu3359
LockedChFr @};- MacBethShiba Inu3259
LockedNCHT @};- Scarlet O'HaraShiba Inu3772
LockedChFr @};- Starry Starry NightShiba Inu3259
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChH @};- 16HH EEEE lala agistm intstmSaarloos Wolfdog3460
LockedChH @};- 18HH EEEE lala 2stm stragiSaarloos Wolfdog3460
LockedChH @};- 19HH EEEE lla 4stmSaarloos Wolfdog3460
LockedExH @};- AladinSaarloos Wolfdog3259
LockedExH @};- JasmineSaarloos Wolfdog3259
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnSh T@PS Black Irish S.Points Mask 23 Lla intcha chaintPomeranian1118
LockedAPnRO T@PS Black Pie 14 lla stmcha stmchaPomeranian1118
LockedARO ~CB~ Black Pie 21 Lla 2cha agichaPomeranian1528
LockedJPnRO Flo's Blue M. Irish 19 Lla 2cha chaspdPomeranian59
LockedASh Flo's Blue M.Pie 20 lala chastm chaspdPomeranian1523
LockedARO ~CB~ Chocolate Irish 20 lala 2cha chaintPomeranian1933
LockedJPnRO Flo's Cream M. Irish Bl.Sable Ticking 18 Lla 2cha chaspdPomeranian59
LockedJPnSh Flo's Cream M.Pie Bl.Sable LU 21 LL 2str chaintPomeranian69
LockedJASh T@PS Fawn Pie B.Sable Mask 20 lala strcha intchaPomeranian1118
LockedAPnRO T@PS Fawn Pie Ch.Sable Mask 18 lala intcha spdchaPomeranian1118
LockedChSh ~CB~ Gosick Chocolate irish (Beta) 24 Lla 2cha 2intPomeranian3365
LockedChSh ~CB~ Padma Black Pie (Beta) 24 lala strcha agiintPomeranian3265
LockedChSh ~CB~ Pandora Black LU (Beta) 24 lala chastr chaagiPomeranian3365
LockedChSh ~CB~ Pastel Fawn Irish B.Sable (Beta) 24 lala intcha agichaPomeranian3265
LockedChSh ~CB~ Phantom White (Beta) 24 lala strcha agichaPomeranian3365
LockedChSh ~CB~ Prince Red Pie B.Sable Mask (Beta) 24 lala 4chaPomeranian3265
LockedAPnRO T@PS Red 21lala chastr agichaPomeranian1118
LockedJARO T@PS Red Pie B.Grizzle Mask Ticking 18 lala 2cha intagiPomeranian1118
LockedAPnRO T@PS Red Pie B.Sable Mask 22 lala stragi agichaPomeranian1118
LockedJARO T@PS Silver Irish B. Grizzle Mask 21 lala 2cha chaintPomeranian1118
LockedJPnSh Flo's Silver M. Pie Bl.Sable Mask 21 LL 2cha 2intPomeranian59
LockedJPnSh Flo's Silver M.PieBl.Sable Mask 22 LL chastr 2intPomeranian59
LockedARO ~CB~ Silver Pie B.Grizzle 18 lala intcha 2chaPomeranian1933
LockedJARO T@PS Silver Pie B.Sable 17 lala intcha spdagiPomeranian1118
LockedAPnRO T@PS White 19 Lla cha chaagiPomeranian1118
LockedASh ~CB~ White 23 Lla 4chaPomeranian1628
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAR T@PS 19 Faded BlueIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedJAR T@PS 19 Red with Steel Blue SableIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedJAR T@PS 19 Silver with Steel Blue SableIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedAPnR T@PS 20 Silver with Steel Blue SableIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedJAR T@PS 21 Steel BlueIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedJAR T@PS 22 Fawn with Steel Blue SableIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedJAR T@PS 22 Fawn with Steel Blue Sable and MaskIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedAPnR T@PS 22 Red with Faded Blue Sable and MaskIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedChFr ~CB~ IcarusIrish Wolfhound3366
LockedChR ~CB~ IntegraIrish Wolfhound3266
LockedMR ~CB~ lala chaspd chaspd 15Irish Wolfhound2649
LockedAR ~CB~ lala spdspd spdspd 20Irish Wolfhound1833
LockedAR ~CB~ lala strspd spdspd 20Irish Wolfhound1933
LockedAR ~CB~ Lla spdspd spdspd 20Irish Wolfhound1833
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$126,949,075 Money Earned
Salary $76,500
Kennel Size 100
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSh SCP T@PS sh p Moebius
Female Shiba Inu Born 01 19, 2011
Reached Level 54, Placing in 3,369 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x5
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICM HrtB sh m Agemaki
Male Shiba Inu Born 01 21, 2011
Reached Level 50, Placing in 2,172 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x1
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x3
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICP T@S Rapunzel
Female Shiba Inu Born 09 24, 2009
Reached Level 49, Placing in 2,187 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x33
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x33
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICP T@S Masterpiece GEEE
Male Shiba Inu Born 06 10, 2009
Reached Level 48, Placing in 2,357 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x10
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x10
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICM HrtB sh m Riken
Male Shiba Inu Born 04 03, 2011
Reached Level 48, Placing in 2,053 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICP T@S Enchantment EEEE
Male Shiba Inu Born 06 29, 2009
Reached Level 47, Placing in 2,011 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x5
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICP HrtB sh p Hozuki
Female Shiba Inu Born 02 19, 2011
Reached Level 47, Placing in 2,062 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ICSh ICO HrtB sh o Bonbori
Female Shiba Inu Born 11 22, 2010
Reached Level 47, Placing in 2,180 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
UCSh UCP T@PS sh p Kazehaya
Male Shiba Inu Born 01 29, 2011
Reached Level 46, Placing in 1,904 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
UCSh UCP T@PS sh p Akira III
Male Shiba Inu Born 12 01, 2011
Reached Level 43, Placing in 1,775 Competitions

Game Time

11:36pm on Mar 9

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