The Hollow

Smooth Collies & Curs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
Belgian Sheepdogs & Jindos
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
16 Locked Dogs
Large Critter Pasture
11 Critters
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnH AugustSmooth Collie922
LockedNA Betrayed By The GameCatahoula Leopard Dog112
LockedNA Death of a StrawberrySmooth Collie112
LockedNH Evil EyeCatahoula Leopard Dog112
LockedNH Inspire The LiarsCatahoula Leopard Dog112
LockedIPnH JudeSmooth Collie820
LockedIPnA KaleidoscopeCatahoula Leopard Dog820
LockedIPnA Melancholy HillCatahoula Leopard Dog720
LockedIPnH MochiCatahoula Leopard Dog516
LockedNH New OrleansCatahoula Leopard Dog112
LockedNA Nine in the AfternoonSmooth Collie112
LockedIPnA NoodleCatahoula Leopard Dog820
LockedNA Northern DownpourSmooth Collie112
LockedPnH Sarah SmilesCatahoula Leopard Dog924
LockedIPnH Silhouettes of YouCatahoula Leopard Dog516
LockedIPnH SleepyHeadSmooth Collie822
LockedANA SunlightSmooth Collie516
LockedJPnA TwistedSmooth Collie516
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnA NHT HrtBr .:You're My Disco:.Korean Jindo1021
LockedJAA BewitchedKorean Jindo1328
LockedAHT CheesecakeKorean Jindo1634
LockedAPnSc CreeperBelgian Sheepdog1024
LockedJAFr GhostingKorean Jindo1329
LockedMHT GoodnightKorean Jindo2443
LockedAHT I Like My Coffee Black, Just Like My Metal!Korean Jindo1534
LockedAA I'm Going To Choke YouBelgian Sheepdog1533
LockedAA Jamie done knocked a snake right out!Belgian Sheepdog1635
LockedAA Jesus Fooking ChristBelgian Sheepdog1533
LockedNH Parody CatharsisBelgian Sheepdog112
LockedAPnH PumpkinBelgian Sheepdog1226
LockedAHT Red StarsKorean Jindo1534
LockedAA StardustBelgian Sheepdog1635
LockedJAFr Strawberry DaiquiriKorean Jindo1329
LockedNHT Three WishesKorean Jindo112


  • Jim the Bug of DOOM Jim the <font color=green>Bug of DOOM</font>
  • Sir Cheese the Calico Persian Sir Cheese the Calico Persian
  • Mochi the Chocolate Hamster Mochi the Chocolate Hamster
  • Fireball the Cinnamon Hamster Fireball the Cinnamon Hamster
  • Puff the Green Baby Dragon Puff the Green Baby Dragon
  • Gojira the Mean Brown Tabby Cat Gojira the Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Sushi the Mean Siamese Cat Sushi the Mean Siamese Cat
  • Goat the Orange Persian Goat the Orange Persian
  • Jolene the Proud Pony Jolene the Proud Pony
  • Nebula the Reindeer Nebula the Reindeer
  • Murphy the Scary Black Cat Murphy the Scary Black Cat

Game Time

02:33am on Mar 20

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