Rally-O (RO)

Sport Stat Weights
x1 Agility (agi)x2 Charisma (cha)x1 Intelligence (int)x2 Speed (spd)x1 Stamina (stm)x2 Strength (str)
This sport is available to all breeds.


Rally-O, or Rally Obedience, is a new sport among the AKC. It features anywhere from 12-20 stations where a certain trick or ability is performed. The sport is timed and judged by participation, smoothness of each perfomance as well as skill in each performance. Signs are posted at each station to show what to do. Handlers also receive a handout with the course and may do a walkthrough without their dog before they compete. There are three levels of difficulty in Rally-O:

Novice-On leash with basic instructions such as Sit.
Advanced-Off leash with at least one jump.
Excellent-Off leash with at least one jump and more difficult exercises.

Handlers are allowed to sing, clap, whistle, and talk to their dogs through the whole course, setting Rally-O different from the silent Obedience. Some tricks the dog may have to perform are reverse direction, go faster or slower, sit-stay-recall, and other basic obedience tricks.

Each team starts with 100 points, faults (Such as a missed station) cause points to be deducted from the total score. The team with the highest point total is the winner. If there is a tie, the winner will be determined by the who has the best time.

Game Time

02:31am on Mar 6

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