Cyan's Spot


I'm Cyanpie – account numbers #514538 and #806868
Female / 20s / bible belt, usa

I'm pretty chill so if you wanna talk or something you can message me



Male dogs go up for stud around level 40, though there are some exceptions. No minimum level requirement. Price is $100 x dog's level, rounded up. If a dog isn't up for stud, it's most likely because I don't think his genetics are up to par (or I forgot). If you see a male you want to use that isn't up, just message me.

I rarely put females up for breeding and when I do I'm a bit more picky. Minimum level requirement is roughly half of her level. Price is $1000 x dog's level, with an additional $500 for every excellent and an additional $1000 for the lala gene. I will not breed a female more than twice.



I doodle in my off time. ;)

[my ToS]

I don't have open commissions but I'll put up sales posts offering specific things (tags, references, revamps, ect.) from time to time. I draw for fun so my prices are usually pretty low.

If you wanna do an art trade or collab, message me! I love doing stuff like that.

Game Time

03:55pm on Mar 9

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