Cyan's Spot

Owner of Cyan's Spot

Cyan (#514538)
Rank: #750
Overall: #2,009
Status: Lurking
Last Active: 06/11/22 11:02am
Player Since: 06/18/07
About Me: yo


1. Naomie (#1423265) - paid - 80% complete

2. River (#123281) - paid - 50% complete
Currently Offline
User Shop

FP Beta Star Breeder

Furry Paws Citizen

Red Progenitor Ribbon

Critter Servant

Money Maker


Silver Performer Medal

Purple Diversifier Ribbon

Phoenix Fire Tier 8


Think this player is awesome? Tell them so by giving them a cookie!

Recent Cookies

"You've got this." -Anna on Jun 30
"I believe in you." -Scales - vacationing @ wolvden on May 2
"I love your art!" -AzĂșcarheart on Apr 4
"Nice job!" -iron_man (side account) on Feb 19
":)" -Neo on Jan 26
":)" -Eliza on Jan 18
"I believe in you." -Emmy ~Quitting~ on Jan 18
"Nice job!" -Revlis on Jan 2
"Nice job!" -Spike on Dec 23
"I love your dogs!" -Chrissy on Aug 12
"You are awesome." -Chrissy on Jul 28
":)" -Chrissy on Jul 21
"You've got this." -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on May 9
"I love your dogs!" -Fox on May 2
"Nice job!" -Hamchung77 on Apr 25
"You are so talented!" -spooky ora- dogs for $100 on Apr 24
"I believe in you." -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on Apr 23
"You are awesome." -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on Apr 20
"Have a great day!" -Auroradormita on Apr 20
"You're exceptional!" -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on Apr 18
"Thanks for being you!" -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on Apr 16
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on Apr 12
"Have a great day!" -Talisa on Apr 8
"I love your art!" -Queen - tag on sale @ ASB on Apr 6
"Have a great day!" -JE - Keep fighting Bella! on Apr 4
"Nice job!" -Ez on Mar 29
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -[Ridakt] on Nov 20
"Nice job!" -Megan on Sep 7
"You are awesome." -Megan on Aug 17
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Fossil on Dec 4

User Guild



Level 20
Total Fame Earned
This Week's Fame
Profession (0 Points Remaining)
Profession Information
Salary: $5,000/day
Competition Score +20
Dog Breeding +8
Sport Training +3

Game Time

06:01pm on Sep 27

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